Canada Post Strike Update
Canada Post announced their full stop-strike on Friday November 15th 2024.
Previously their strikes have been "rotating strikes" meaning packages and mail in the system still moved, but at a delayed pace.
A full-stop strike means everything is shut down; items within the system will not move, and no new items will be accepted until the strike ends.
I don't have the words to express the level of heartbreak this is bringing me as a small business owner who receives countless emails from Canada Post on how much they love and support small businesses...while they put us through the ringer, again.
I fully support striking for a livable wage. However, every time they have striked, I have watched fellow friends, makers, and small business owners have to shut their doors permanently. They eventually get their wage increases, while someone else loses theirs income entirely.
Despite having no say or involvement in this situation, I do want to express my sincerest apologies to everyone who is affected by this, as a customer or as a small business owner.
We will get through this together